Bowie helped me decorate the map to my sister's wedding for his grandparents in Dallas. He learned how to take the lids off the markers! Uh oh! And very nearly how to put them back on, too.
Bowie can sing the Happy Birthday song. We've been singing it a lot lately since Chris's 31st birthday was Saturday. Bowie understood that the packages coming in the mail were for Papa's birthday. He would walk by them and say "Papa's birfday pesents." And he was beside himself excited that we were going to make birthday brownie for Chris (brownies with ice cream is his favorite dessert). He poured in the vanilla, the nuts, the sugar, helped me stir, and of course licked the spoon. I'm not sure why he was so excited about sugar. We don't talk about it ever but both of my parents call him sugar for a nickname, so maybe that's why he responded to it. After we poured it in, he was saying "Bowie eat sugar. Cake has sugar." with such glee that you'd think sugar has some scent that is mind altering. It has been so much fun seeing him understand and enjoy the idea of a birthday because it will make his 2nd birthday so much fun. Yesterday we went out to my folks' house to celebrate both my sister's and Chris's birthday. They have the same birthday though Destiny is one year older. We have a lot of shared birthdays in my family. Chris and Des. Me and my dad. Bowie and my mom. That's pretty wild isn't it?
Chris took off three days from work and we just spent time together at home, got some projects completed, had dinners with friends, and Chris went to a couple SXSW parties and shows. It will be hard when he goes back to work tomorrow. I know that Bowie will be missing him tremendously. And I will too. I love spending time all as a family, and it's been really nice for us as a couple too. The first few days were actually a bit hard, trying to get into a groove with each other. Bowie and I are so used to our patterns and routines, and Chris has his too. I can't wait unitl our next vacation!
We worked all day in the backyard. We threw every bit of trash and rubble (except the actual cement rubble from the destroyed bomb shelter and the enormous heaps of fallen branches) over the fence into a pile of danger temporarily to be located in our driveway. But I am very excited to feel safe sending Bowie back into the yard. He totally enjoys the freedom to explore. We observed worms and pillbugs uncovered when raking. Time to get one of those bugscopes.