Oh please, let us wake rested and well! We seem much better, but having Chris at home for a couple of days may have been a temporary fix. Oh, I haven't updated for a long time...I got sick too. It was miserable. Felt like the flu. But I'm so done being sick!
So look at my beautiful Bowie taking a swim in my parent's big soaking tub this morning. As soon as we got out to their house, Bowie went into their room to strum Gramps' guitar and then wandered into the bathroom. "Swim," he said so in he went.
Yesterday we wanted to get out of the house (I had left our property twice in the past week) but it was all muddy from a much needed recent rain and we didn't want Bowie to be playing wiht other kids when he still had a runny nose and cough, so we went to a skatepark! Earlier in the morning I made a little cardboard skateboard for Bowie in an attempt to save the remote controls and telephone from being ground in to oblivion. He loved it even though he did notice that it didn't have wheels. Well, the skatepark was an amazing success! He was mesmerized for over an hour in our arms. I totally enjoyed watching all of the youn skaters. Chris and I have many fantasies about us all getting into the skate pool.