Monday, January 23, 2006

Sick Again!

Bowie came home from the cabin trip sick with cough and runny nose. He's not lethargic and limp, but hasn't had much of an appetitie until today. He ate oatmeal, egg, toast and peach butter, a few bites of bean taco, spinach pizza, corn on the cob, a little raw carrot, 3 big strawberries, and gumbo with okra and rice. Oh, and a peanut butter cliff bar. So I'm hoping he's truly on the mend, but I expect the cold to last at least 2 more days.

Bowie has been nearly inconsolable a few times today. He woke up from a too short nap and the only thing that could shake him from a crying funk was the suggestion of driving the Trooper. So he happily hung out in the car while I wrote the alphabet on the sidewalk. Today is national handwriting day (according to a local public radio show). I used the sling twice today when he was demanding, "eat!" but wouldn't be out of arms, so he "helped" me cook ridng on my hip. I don't know what I'd do without it! When he gets upset and wants to be close but we are in a busy time, I ask him if he wants to ride in the sling and it always sounds good to him! I can go months without using it, but there are times when he is just obviously out of sorts and it's a lifesaver. As are the cars. And any kind of berry. These are my sure fire cures for helping him out of a downward spiral.

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