Sunday, May 17, 2009

from FOUR to FIVE

It's been almost a year since my last post. Bowie was just barely four. I decided to take a break from blogging. Wanted more actual, less virtual. Wanted to think more about living authentically and publicly. Wanted less time at the computer.

I felt both relieved and lost without blogging. So I think I'm back for another try at sharing my mothering journey and our family's adventures and evolution, but with perhaps less frequency. Hello again!


Anonymous said...

hey! glad to see you again :)
2 weeks to five. that is incredible. i hear your sentiment about the space from blogging. i'm in a place of space recently myself.
just wanted to say hi to you.

meg said...

Hi Autumn

For some strange reason I felt the need to google you today, and there you were with a blog post. I followed your blog a long time ago from the other side of the world. I struggle with the public/private online thing and have just changed my blog to a public one without names. Still bit strange though. My boys are 3 and almost five and I thought of you when we cut the wee one's hair in January

Thanks for being honest and inspiring, and sharing such beautiful photos.

Autumn said...

Thank you Meredith and Meg for visiting and commenting.

Oh I sure remember that strangeness of seeing my boy look SO different. The photos of your son before and after are so drastic! Beautiful both ways and I am sure that you are used to it now.

marybeth said...

Oh Autumn, I am so glad you're blogging again. I've sure missed your blog!
- From Marybeth