Saturday, December 31, 2005
Do Re Mi
One of the songs that I sing to Bowie is Do Re Mi (well a portion of it) from The Sound of Music. Bowie sings along with me, especially supplying the last word of a phrase. The other night we were all in the family room together and Chris started playing the song on a bamboo flute (without any sheetmusic...just picked it out of the air, musical genius that he is) and the third phrase into it, Bowie started singing. Not from the beginning, but at "Mi, a name I call myself" (of course not quite that clearly, more like "Mi, name i ll melf"). My jaw dropped! He totally recognized the tune on his own and joined in at the correct time! I am completely amazed. And so pleased, of course.
Friday, December 30, 2005
What the Elves Left

We got a wheelbarrow and garden tools for Bowie's Christmas morning gift. We put a tag that said "For Bowie" on it and put it on the backporch (Chris was worried about the damage that could be done with for metal tools on long poles). Bowie hasn't quite got the hang of pushing his wagon, yet. But he likes to copy mama and put sticks in it (we are trying to make some improvements in our sorry backyard). I am glad I have a picture of Bowie wearing these pajamas. At first I was disappointed that I didn't get him some cute snowman or snowflake pj's, but now I am glad that I got to capture Bowie in what are my favorite pj's.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Honey, Bowie's Beautiful Cousin
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I was Home for Christmas

We spent Christmas Eve night out at my parent's house in Driftwood. They decorated it stunningly! We ate our traditional velvet chicken and dumplings with broccoli. Bowie could not get enough of the lttle green trees. We then watched March of The Penguins in their theater room (adults sipping egg nog with brandy). It was a wonderful experience. Bowie mostly played bongos and danced but did find himself momentarily fascinated a few times, and Honey was completely transfixed by it. She was bursting with excitement when the chicks hatched and so sad and afraid at the dangers that the penguins experience. After getting Bowie to sleep, Chris and I put together our gift to Honey- a beautiful doll tree house. It was so magical to sit in the lights of the tree and assembling toys, feeling quite a lot like elves.
the advent photo album
Monday, December 26, 2005
Our Dr Seuss Tree

We bought this very stylized artificial tree three years ago. We wanted to have a tree but have very limited floor space. We found a tree that is about 1o feet tall but has a diameter of about 3 feet. We call it our Dr Seuss tree. Lighting it has been a challenge because wires can't be hidden at all. This year we got the light tubes and rather than winding them around the tree, draped them from top to bottom. I'm very pleased with it! Bowie's favorite ornament seems to be the snare drum.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Winter Solstice with Friends

Wednesday Bowie and I went to a winter solstice party with some of my favorite friends and their lovely mamas. The children spent a great deal of time in Finn's jeep (Finn is 20 months old and already has his first car! which was his father's first car! Bowie will be green with envy when he figures out what this means.) We mamas munched on delicious food (two of the mamas were professional chefs before motherhood.) And we had drawn names and each child opened one gift. So sweet. Finn had already found a Christmas present, an ukeklele! If there was any doubt about whether Bowie will enjoy his gift from Chris, that picture shows Bowie getting as close to it as he can. We love our friends!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The Grey Coat

Monday, December 19, 2005
Merry Tuba Christmas

This morning we met up with some friends, Uncle Paul and Honey at the capitol for a Christmas concert performed by over 200 tubA players. In the photo above you see some of the euphoniums. It was pretty confusing to Bowie that I kept saying we were going to see tubas; he kept looking at Tuba, our dog. But he got to touch the valves of a couple horns and seemed to have sorted it all out by the end of the concert.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
My Bakers

I woke up Saturday and Chris had started a batch of bagels. He is so ambitious! They were really good and he's looking forward to perfecting the recipe and his techniques. They weren't the prettiest things (though Chris did describe one as "something you'd see at the store") but what a treat! And Bowie enjoyed helping out, of course.
Today Chris made a batch of gumbo and pizza. The photo above shows Bowie rolling out his baby sized pizza. He spread the sauce and added his toppings while pinching off tastes of dough. It was a fun mess!
Last night, Chris and I went out to two parties. My folks stayed with Bowie. He had a hard time going down to sleep with them, but had a great time with them, too. He's been asking for Nonnie all day. Chris and I truly enjoyed our evening out, but Bowie was never out of our minds as Chris showed off his "album" of laminated wallets. "He's beautiful!" "That makes me want to have a baby!" were repeated over and over again. And when asked about being a mother, I couldn't hold back my total elation about our family.
Friday, December 16, 2005
O Kismas Tee

Laguna Gloria

A few days ago we went to the Laguna Gloria Art Musuem grounds for an advent calendar photo shoot. I remember going there as a little girl, wandering the walks, watching an outdoor showing of a Hitchcock movie, attending art festivals. It is a wonderful place to be - a relaxed, open, natural environment that is on the whole very safe for Bowie to explore independently.
Here he approaches a sculpture made from what seemed to be cedar wood.
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Today Bowie:
*said his own name
*learned (and perfected the mount by practicing for at least 30 minutes while I bent over holding the bike upright) how to get on a bicycle by stepping on the down pedal and swinging his other foot over the seat
*is teething those 2nd year molars and has a very little patience (or is that me?)
*called Daniel and Kendal by name
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
First Christmas of the Season

Catching up on the advent pages. The lollipop is the first candy Bowie has had. He wasn't sure what to do with it. I showed him to lick it. After about 15 minutes, it still looks totally whole. But he had a great time!
After going to the sweet baptism of our friend Oslo on Saturday morning, we drove to Dallas for our Stutsman Christmas. It really felt like Christmas. We ate great food and better dessert. Bowie is singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and "Rudolph". It's super adorable.
Bowie enjoyed opening presents but someone else's was just as interesting as his own. The highlight was the many many balloon hats and figures made by Chris. He got a balloon blowing kit and immediately got to work, making a dog without even looking at the book. He amazes me all of the time.
Now I need to find places for all of our new, fun things. Bowie got a beautiful easel from his grandparents. Hopefully I'll get through with the "work" soon and we can go outside and paint (the weather is very nice, no threat of icicles.)
Friday, December 09, 2005
Sharing Icicles

Just as the sun was setting the neighborhood boys came to our house looking for big icicles. We shared ours with them. I love that these two boys come hang out in our yard. They sometimes come play in our yard when we are gone. I think that it's wonderful that they feel welcome here. That's how a neighborhood should be.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Ice Day!

Here's Bowie playing with the Christmas Legos that John and Karen (Chris' folks) gave us last year in the advent calendar. Everyday had a little set of Legos and a picture of an object you could make with them. It was really fun.
Today Chris got to stay home for an ice day! YAY! It's so much more fun when we are all together. Right now Chris is outside putting up lights and drinking a beer, never too cold for a cold beer!!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Thank You
Big Scary Oops
Last night we went to the Zilker Christmas Tree with Michele and Finn. It was fun spinning under all of those lights. We played "Ring around the Rosie" and we swung the boys in circles. Then we got on an empty stage. Ah, recipe for disaster? Would you have done it? Well, we did although all us adults entertained some feelings of nervousness. All was well, until Bowie ran to the back of the stage reaching for the railing. I was just feet from him. I know that he wanted to grab it and lean out like he does on the playscapes. But he couldn't reach it and fell straight down onto the ground below, at least a 4 foot drop. I screamed so that my voice was hoarse all night and leapt after him (hoping as i jumped down that my animal mind looked at his position so that I wouldn't jump right ON him.) He was still and silent until I picked him up. His dirt covered face was frozen in a huge scream and inhale. It took several seconds before he finally wailed. It was so terrifying. I didn't cry like I did when he pulled hot water onto himself. I was too scared. I held him and rocked him while Chris checked over his body, sqeezing his arms and legs, hands, rubbing his head to see if Bowie reacted in pain. About five minutes later Bowie was calm but clearly dazed. I wondered if we should be concerned about a concussion, but his eyes looked fine. By the time we got home, we was quite nearly himself. That's when I finally could react. I was a tense ball of nerves all evening. I felt guilty for letting my baby get hurt. I questioned whether I had done something wrong, been negligent. It had been my suggestion after all to go up on the stage. (reminding me of the time that i suggested that the window be "base" and destiny cut open her arm, slicing her wrist tendon in half the morning or my grandfather's funeral.) But really, I want him to take risks. Reasonal ones, of course. I don't want to overly protect him and create an atmosphere of distrust. But it is so hard to see him hurt! I told Chris that I was just gonna sleep with Bowie, but he suggested that we all sleep together in our bed. It's a tight, tight squeeze with Chris bearing the brunt of Bowie's kicks. I gave him arnica tablets every time I thought of it and this morning he has a slight bruise on his left eye and scratches above and below. Poor, poor baby. But it could have been terribly worse. It could have been awful. I am so grateful that it wasn't as bad as it might have been.
A small oops. I had told my mom a few weeks ago that wooden train stuff and even a playtable would be good for Bowie. I had a little train set in my car today and she saw it. It was clear that she was hurt. I told her that I could take it back. That she could give the train set and table. Oops!
So I'm off to create another magical Santa gift idea...
A small oops. I had told my mom a few weeks ago that wooden train stuff and even a playtable would be good for Bowie. I had a little train set in my car today and she saw it. It was clear that she was hurt. I told her that I could take it back. That she could give the train set and table. Oops!
So I'm off to create another magical Santa gift idea...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Christmas Shopping
Today Chris ordered his gift to Bowie. He's getting him...yes, you guessed it, an instrument. A ukulele. We want to get Bowie a trundle train play table and set up a wooden train set during the night for Bowie's "Santa Gift." I'm sort of shocked by how excited I am. I hope he experiences the sense of magic and wonder I remember feeling waking up to see special things arranged in the light of the Christmas tree. And the treats and family playing games. I want it to be all the good things it can be.
I need a beautiful sweater

days 3 and 4. this is the first time i've hung up a white sheet as a backdrop. i think that it worked okay. it is hard to get him to stay in front of it, compromising the capturing of the authentic bowie. but pretty, i think.
i got that blue sweater at saver's thrift store. it is so beautiful and soft. i love sweaters and wish it were cool enough to wear them more often. bowie has more beautiful sweaters than i do. well, i don't have ANY beautiful sweaters, so that's not saying much, i guess, except that i need at least ONE beautiful sweater. maybe i'll get one for christmas.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Advent calendar
Run, Sing, Speak
Almost a year later.
Bowie is RUNNING, dancing, spinning. He still crawls every once in awhile. And loves to lie down on the floor everywhere we go.
He's singing songs with us which is absolutely mind blowing. Chris taught him Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." He sings "down down down" "burn burn burn."
He used signs for a long time and still uses many but now chooses to talk. It's hard for me to remember to look up new signs. At last count he had over 60 signs.
And he's got to be using over a hundred words. For real. I'm totally amazed. Of course, I'm not sure that everyone else hears all of his words the way I do.
Bowie is RUNNING, dancing, spinning. He still crawls every once in awhile. And loves to lie down on the floor everywhere we go.
He's singing songs with us which is absolutely mind blowing. Chris taught him Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." He sings "down down down" "burn burn burn."
He used signs for a long time and still uses many but now chooses to talk. It's hard for me to remember to look up new signs. At last count he had over 60 signs.
And he's got to be using over a hundred words. For real. I'm totally amazed. Of course, I'm not sure that everyone else hears all of his words the way I do.
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