Ah, my quiet, thoughtful Bowie. My boisterous, giggly Bowie. He's all of it, all of the time. The last photo is him reacting to the little indian figuring skateboarding on my ear. This totally cracked him up.
We had a super fun day with friends. We spent 2 hours at the local thrift store for the everything half off president's day sale. We finished shopping after about an hour, but friends kept showing up! I left hurting after pushing Bowie around (holding him up by the hands) on in-line skates (him skating, not me). Of course we had to bring them home with us. And for dinner we went to a pizza party for some of our childless friends. This is something that we rarely get to so and we must do it more often. Bowie had a total blast. He got so much attention. Loud, physical attention . He was immediately best friends with each person there crawling into their laps and giving huge smiles to people taht are dear to us, but whom he's rarely seen. He stayed up until 10:30 and didn't even fall asleep during the drive home.
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