Last week I decided that I wanted to be living a little less virtually. I wrote a letter to Bowie rather than write in my blog. I told him how he's been saying recently, "Mama, I want to go everywhere your breasties go." Hee heeeee. He'll get a laugh out of that one day. But I hope he never feels any shame about it. I don't. It's the first place of comfort he found in this world and I simply see it no other way. I also have been doing lots and lots of thinking and reading, mostly about radical unschooling (unschooling in relation to the law of attraction.) It's been so transforming and perplexing and freeing. I am so grateful for a life that allows us to ebb and flow, grow and grow. I also am thinking and feeling a lot about this choice I've made to be so public with our lives. In my heart, I think it's good in many ways. So many mamas reaching out to each other, sharing and growing together. And it's been amazing for me as a photographer as well. But...well I'm trying to identify my concerns and I'm just laying low for a while so I don't feel hurried.
Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this photo of Bowie. He is in full anticipation of Halloween mode lately. We went to the party store yesterday and he chose red hairspray for his costume. He had to try it out this morning. Then he painted my face this afternoon (sorry no photo of the bushy black eyebrows and red streak from my lips into my nostril and out to my cheek).
This photo of bowie just made me lol..that red hair is awesome!
I think its so wonderful that you write these letters for Bowie..one day he'll grow up and get to read about the love you have felt for him,it must be a comfort for you.
I have been sad to see your photos of bowie disappear from flickr,that is me just being selfish though,and obviously what you want is the only thing that matters. You put your photos there for you,sharing abit of yourself and your world with us..not for our gain..this is the right decision for you..i understand that.I look forward to the day when your photos will grace flickr again..when and if they do..and i dont mean that in a pushy way..But in the meantime i do hope to continue reading your blog and reading about the wonderful things you do.I am particularily interested in 'unschooling' as its a concept fairly foreign to me..i dont think its such a common thing here in the UK.
Whatever happens..i wish you all the luck in the world..i feel you certainly deserve it.
Elle x
what a fabulous photo! i have also missed you on flickr (your b&w's inspire me to be honest, i just can't seem to grasp the b&w concept. seems like magic) but i totally understand your reasoning. i also deleted a few pics after viewing went up and i investigated who was favoriting some of them. creepy. i ended up putting up some blocks. it definitely makes you think. makes you angry. makes you sad. makes you retreat. so, take care, quiet blogging mama! :)
I can totally relate to your choice to not be so open.
That red hair is fab! He looks so much a little boy there, his eyes convey so much personality.
You know I just LOOOVE that red hair and his "new" haircut in general :) He´s such a sweet little guy and you capture him so so beautifully, Autumn...
I´ve always LOVED following your blog...you expressing your feelings for Bowie...the beautiful and loving way you write out your feelings and emotions...it just totally tugs on my heartstrings...it feels like I´ve known you for so long and every new post and image brings a HUGE smile to my face and makes me happy :)
Even tho I´ve missed you a lot lately, YOU know what´s good for you and especially for Bowie so I am 100% behind the choices you make or are going to make *hugs*
I am missing you, my friend.
As long as your virtual-less life does not mean you will stop the blog so I can still catch up with you (as little or as much as you choose to), I will be happy.
Much love to your adorable little big boy, I love the fab red hair (Jasper would probably love a wig as long it would be pink)
I can't stand the law of attraction stuff, but I'm a radical unschooler. Found it curious that you see them as being the same thing :p
So cute, about the breasties!
hmmm I don't know what the law of attraction stuff is..must go delve. Elle, I run an unschooling yahoo group here in the UK (google AEUK). I'm not an expert in *unschooling* (we call it autonomous education in the UK). I just started the group because I wanted to know more and we have expanded over the years. But you are right..it is not big in the UK..but it is there. A great percentage of homeschoolers in the UK are autonomous I reckon.
Autumn I miss you but am respectful of your choices. You are such a good mama I know these choices are right for you and your family. Bowie with red hair is very cool x
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