Sunday, October 21, 2007

Out of the Old, Into the New

We move tomorrow. Out of this house, the house in which I have lived the longest in my life, the house were love, marriage, baby happened. Out of summer, the first day we swam in our new pool but perhaps the last warm day of the year. Tonight I shed a few tears about leaving this place. But I also felt like the luckiest person in the world to be swimming in my new backyard with my big, beautiful, happy son. I can be sad and happy at the same time.


MamaC said...

Big hugs to you my friend! Enjoy making your new home. I miss you!

Elle said...

I hope the move went well...moving from a place where you made such happy memories is tough but i love the sound of your new place where you can spend time swimming with Bowie in the backyard and im sure your gonna make many more wonderful memories there.

Ana Santiago said...

I hope you are enjoying the new house, and that you keep all the memories from the old house in your heart.
