Last week was Chris and my sister's birthday (the SAME day!) and the following day was my grannie's 80th birthday. We went up to Lubbock this weekend for party celebrated by all of her 5 children and some of her grandchildren and Bowie represented her great grandkids. A long life...puts my 35 years and Bowie's 3 and 3/4 years in perspective. Sometimes I feel so defined in who I am and Bowie seems so big, but there is so much more ahead of us, world willing.
Bowie loves her shell, glass, and rock collections. So many pretties to look at and touch and balance.
I just wanted to stop by and post a quick comment. You take the most beautiful pictures of just about anyone I have ever run across on the internet (or met in real life for that matter.) I really wish that I had half the talent you do and could somehow manage to document my family and our lives in such a special way.
Thank you for sharing all of Bowie's adventures with us! We really do appreciate it.
thanks mindy
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