I'm sick with a throat and ear infection and poor Bowie has been a bit bored. So we went to the park this morning. He wanted to wear his "Frankenstein" costume that we bought last year during the after Halloween half off sales. He said it was Frankenstein then and I didn't correct him. He still doesn't know anything abotu Frankenstein other than he's worked out that he's some sort of monster. Now that he's very interested in comic book characters, I suspect he'll figure out soon that this costume is meant to be the Hulk. He ran and ran and jumped and climbed, keeping himself busy and letting me watch. Love that boy.
Very cute. Hey, just from one little picture of Incredible Hulk on a hand-me-down truck (gift from is cousin), Dario totally latched on to I.H. In fact, Hulk is his invisible friend. I have heard many stories of fun things that Dario and Incredible Hulk did together. (Did you know that Incredible Hulk has a motorcycle and Dario rides in the sidecar? No? Also that they drive twin convertibles sometimes?) I think if he ever saw Hulk on a show, he'd be scared witless. ;)
Very cute. Hey, just from one little picture of Incredible Hulk on a hand-me-down truck (gift from is cousin), Dario totally latched on to I.H. In fact, Hulk is his invisible friend. I have heard many stories of fun things that Dario and Incredible Hulk did together. (Did you know that Incredible Hulk has a motorcycle and Dario rides in the sidecar? No? Also that they drive twin convertibles sometimes?) I think if he ever saw Hulk on a show, he'd be scared witless. ;)
that last one down is so darn cute!! love these. love you...and even though you have probably already been it...tag.
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