I think this is a totally great activity for 3-4 year olds. It is so much about process and surprise. Bowie kept looking at them saying, "They all are different." He calls them, "the beautiful messes." The directions called for glitter to be sprinkled on them with the machine off, but immediately he knew he wanted to sprinkle it on while spinning. Glitter dusted the table and floor but he got the hand vacuum and cleaned up after himself (the dust vac is also a totally great activity for 3-4 year olds...after cutting, while I'm vacuuming, after a messy snack). Can't wait to make more tomorrow!
Our unschooling day:
*Wake up and watch Deep Sea IMAX (talked about it several times through the day)
*Go to Gattitown...for over 2 hours. He loves this place! Being really present with him to see what he loves about it is how I survive and even manage to enjoy it in the end. 2 years ago I couldn't imagine feeling right about taking him there, but I don't fear it anymore.
*Tuesday Morning next door...walk all the aisles. He picked up so many glass and ceramic items. And put each back, "where I found it." I love that we can do this together now. Find the spin art!! Bowie examines a big Robot (went to a robotics demonstration at a local high school last weekend), a fleet of rescue vehicles, a tank, a racing helmet, water guns, water guns, and finally a laser type gun which we agree to get...except that he wants a candy bar (at Gattitown we decided that rather than pay $1 to play a game and maybe wind a candy bar to go to the dollar stare next door and get one for sure for half a dollar but got sidetracked here) so he puts the gun back happily.
*Go the the dollar store where he chooses a snickers. As soon as we walk out the door he asks me to open it, he takes one bite caramel trailing from his hand to his mouth, and gives it to me asking me to throw it away because he doesn't like it so much. He amazes me, that he didn't feel upset in the least. He said, "I would prefer that it be ALL chocolate."
*Come home and make 5 spin art creations. Clean up.
*Work picking up sticks in the backyard, cleaning the pool, weeding...Bowie helps and investigates. He finds an empty snail shell. He cleans it at least 4 times. He finds a living snail and puts it in his observation box. We google "snail diet". Put some of the weeds into the box. He wants to see it eat then set it free.
*We dance to my valentine's day ipod playlist while I fold laundry (which he helped me to put into the washer and dryer). We listened to "Reach Out, I'll Be There" at least 10 times. He's been loving that song for about 2 weeks now. MUST find the damn power cord for the video camera!
*Sit on the couch together, leaning on each other as we wait for Papa to come home...I sing along to Jill Scott, Jeff Buckley, REM. I love to sing and he's very kind audience.
Anyway, I write this all out because sometimes I am just amazed at the weird diversity of our day. And to remind myself of how far we've come in this pursuit of joy in our family...candy bars and Gattitown don't fit what I had "wanted" for our son. But the magic of riding along in his joy is SO much better than any of my preconceived desires for him.
I also write this because in the past 2 weeks I have received 3 really touching emails from people who have been silently reading here or looking at my photos on flickr. My motivations for writing this blog vary constantly...the personal need to document this life, sharing with family and friends that don't get to see us as much as we'd all like, soul searching and reflection about our family, and the one I have struggled with a bit...the relationship with the reader. I sometimes wonder if I want to continue sharing so publicly. But when I know that someone reads this, sees how I see the beauty of our family and it connects with or inspires them, I know that this is good. And I know how much I've gained from so many people sharing publicly. I have my wee tribe around me but this is a broader tribe that I value as well...thanks to everyone sharing your stories out there.
how wonderful! i love that you shared this, your day sounds a bit like our day. i think we are a few months behind you and bowie, but river and i have just gotten to the space in time where we enjoy a lunchdate together somedays, sitting in a restaurant eating tacos together. it's how i always imagined it, yet so very different as well.
I love your exploration of why your blogging, and I hope you'll continue to do so. You've been very inspirational to me as a parent, and I look forward to reading your blog.
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