Lately Bowie has really been enjoying photography. Since I now have 2 bodies, Bowie has been using my d70 some. He changes composition vertically and horizontally. He asks for the light lens when he sees that I've put on the zoom. And he says, "You are gonna love these." while watching the playback. It's so fun to be sharing one of my great passions with him. Really looking forward to seeing how this evolves. I promised that I'd adjust the neck strap to fit him.
How absolutely lovely to be able to share that, I hope his enthusiasm for it continues.
this is really heartwarming, i hope to get there someday with my little one. "you are gonna love these" that's awesome!
thanks y'all. i don't expect him to take on my passion as his own but i do look forward to collaborating and him seeing my passion. i have some cute papa & son shared passion photos to put up soon.
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