We go to the dog park and play. We wade in the creek, hunt for fossils, pet the dogs, climb the hills, dig through sticks, find broken and dirty glasses and wear them. I am not a Purell carrying member of mamahood. We dig in, get dirty, and sometimes we wash our hands but only if we are filthy. And I stand by it. Bowie hasn't been sick since Christmas. Of course that means that we've got a cold coming, especially now that he's going to school a couple afternoons. But I also am a believer that a few colds are natural and overall beneficial, though sad and inconvenient. So we'll continue to dig in.
1 comment:
I loved reading this...it reminded me of the days of having just one toddler...we were the same. So driven to play, explore, create, tear apart, create something new. Hours spent digging for earthworms and making friends with roly-poly bugs. With two, this faded some in the day to day...and now with three it's survival mode. My fault for getting so sucked in to the daily grind of errands, and just feeding, schooling, caring for three and cleaning up the messes that only three kids could make...micromanaging our day to keep some level of sanity. But your writing made me sit here and think about how much I miss that. I must find a way to let some spontaneity creep in...
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