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He is so so so so beautiful to me. Today begins the last month of Bowie's second year. Expect a lot of nostalgic memories to come. Here he's finally warmed up a bit after a dip at Barton Springs and is sitting on the drainage grate (bottomless, of course) and eating a snack.

but both require a fabulous hat. Bowie LOVES wearing this hat! He totally puts it on by himself and hangs it on his closet door knob when not wearing it (well, alright, sometimes he does this but it is enough for me to be impresses, well, alright, it doesn't take much fo rhim to impress me.) He started out slurping up the pasta, but then stole my utensils for his own use. I've had a few comments about how lucky Bowie is that I let him eat this way. Seriously, is there any other choice?
Chris got a hold of the camera for a bit and got a rare photo of me.
I'll let you in on a secret. I stay up until 2 most nights working on my photography. I edit photos, research and read tips about using photoshop, look for inpsiration in photographs of others. The internet has been amazing. It has changed everything for me. No longer putting off learning until I can take a class. I have felt most of my life that I am not really internally motivated. I needed people to belive in me support me. Somehow I have found people literally all over the world that help keep me motivated. It's surreal but so so amazingly good. But the thing I do the most of, late at night, is look at my day with Bowie, captured right there before me and it is like a mantra of love and appreciation everytime I see how good it is. I look at this image of our visit to UT's HRC where we saw a photography exhibit and it makes me teary to see my two loves here with me on my journey, supporting and inspiring me.

Remember when rain meant fun? When the thought of getting sprinkled equalled a near compulsion to strip down and walk in the gutters? Here it is.I'm so glad that Bowie created a life where I sit out in the rain, get muddy almost everyday, fold laundry quietly in a napping house while the clouds make the day black. The world, no matter how hard, is joyful for him and I get to share that. What a gift.

We had a good storm today. It was nearly pitch dark this afternoon. I let him run around in the backyard in his water sandals and a tshirt. Totally diaperless, so modest photos are all ya get here.Bowie napped for the second day in a row!!! We are getting back into our routine which is a relief for all of us. Lat night it took a long time for Bowie to fall asleep. I laid in bed with him and he talked and talked and talked literally until he dropped off to sleep. He was very concerned about his lost sippy cup, repeating over and over again "maybe sippy cup is under the bed. maybe sippy cup is under the ktichen cabinet." I especially made an effor to remember these two sentences:"My hands like caterpillar on mama's neck" while tickling me."Mama's breasties under blanket mama knit for baby Bowie's bed" this one blew me away. It really warms my heart that he understands that I made that for him.
I loved seeing him have this experience. Didn't you love to watch food coloring spread when you were a kid? I did. An awesome, and I do mean awesome not just cool, to see him mesmerized by it.

Bowie totally knew what to do! We read lots of books in preparation but I wasn't sure if he'd understand. The only trouble is that he kept squeezing the boiled eggs to see what was inside. Lots of egg yolk were thrown into the bushes "for the birds". I didn't get the idyllic portraits I had hoped for with sweat, chocolate and dirt all over Bowie within minutes. Will try again!

It's been a long long time since I could sit down at the computer. Wedding week has past and inlaws have gone home. I am barely beginning to recover but am hindered by 5 out of the past 7 days with NO naps. Yikes!Here is Bowie's bounty that awaited him Sunday morning. I had so much fun picking out sweet and beautiful things for him. He came out of his room and talked to us for a little bit, just two feet from his goodies, then I SAW the flash in his eyes when he realized what was there on the table. It was like magic to get to see that. His favorite gift seemed to be the playmobile bunny set with scooter. I figured that it might be! Love those weird German toys, even if they are plastic. I even gave Bowie one piece of candy, a dark chocolate Lindt ball.

We tried on Bowie's outfit for Destiny and Paul's wedding. My mom got the linen pants and shirt and I got the little sweater vest at Saver's thrift store. I love that little sweater. Sure hope it's cool enough for him to wear it for at least a bit.
Besides being busy with my familyto prepare for Destiny's wedding (next Thursday!), I have allowed myself to become totally obsessed with Flickr, a photo group webiste. I have set up a gallery there. If you've been following me here, you'll recognize many of the photographs. But I am inspired to be more experimental and will probably be posting a variety of images and subjects, though I will always be like a moth to Bowie's light.Yesterday I ran errands with Destiny, my mom and Honey. Chris took Bowie to Fort Parker State Park to help his mom celebate her 60th birthday. Bowie took his first canoe ride without incident and then enjoyed a family bicycle tour of the park. Then, while observing bluebonnets, he was attacked by fire ants. We have a little video clip that Chris was making showing Bowie swatting at his arms, first calmly, them a bit more worriedly before saying, "Bugs are biting me." Chris threw down the camera and all of the guardians received many bites themselves stripping down Bowie. Chris said that Bowie was totally cool and never freaked out. He's got a LOT of bites. Makes a mama sad. But he doesn't seem to be bothered by them at all.

Twice this week I have awoken in bed with Chris rather than Bowie! You may be thinking, what's the big deal? Well, the total times that has happened in the past 22 months is less than 10, maybe less than 5. I have loved sleeping together but am relieved to see him naturally maturing into an independent sleeper without us having to force or train him. Here he is playing on our bed this afternoon.
Bowie at Shipe last Friday morning.