Just some snaps I took at dinner last night. Chris got home late from work and I hadn't been able to get to the grocery store, so we went to one of our favorite mexican restaurants, Chango's. Bowie was SO tired. You can see it in his stare while sipping coconut aqua fresca. But he also was SO hungry and ate all of his quesadilla and half of an avacado. Although there were quite a few other children there, Bowie sat in his chair chatting away with us. He is getting so good at conversation. I can see it in Chris' eyes how surprised he is by the things Bowie says. A few days ago Bowie started singing the Door's "Touch Me" and the look on his papa's face was amazing- full of surprise and pride. Later he said that he was nearly in tears to hear him really singing out the notes. Of course he was also drumming while singing. I need to capture these little drum sets that Bowie sets up. He will get his all his drums and cymbals (some of them real, some of them made from block boxes) and put his microphone stand in the just the right spot so that he can sing while druming. It is adorable. I need to use the video camera more!!!!
Omg... your kid sings THE DOORS!! Rock on.
Jakob was amazingly good at conversing at a young age too. He was talking in proper sentences before his 1st birthday (we still boggle at it). I think it helps that we never talked 'baby talk' to him and always spoke to him knowing he could full and well understand us. I'm betting you do the same with Bowie.
I wanna see Bowie with his drums & mic. That would be adorable.
amanda, one of the first songs he sang was johnny cash's ring of fire! we are lucky to have had early talkers. full sentences before one? wow. wow. yes, speaking and listening with respect for all we know they are capable of, right? i love hearing about your family and can't wait to hear about your new girl!!
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