He once was tiny, swallowed up by this basket. It is now the home to his stuffed animals, but Bowie loves to pull it out from beneath the bench and throw them all out and play in it. It's a boat, he's a baby, it's a nest. My goodness he's fun.
Hello, I just started a blog also. I looked for people with photography interests and found your page. OH MY GOD....first of all you have a amazing looking son but i just want to say that you are a GREAT photographer!! I have alot of photographer friends and family members and it has always been something I loved to look at and study. But mainly your photography really inspires me to journal my daughters life through pictures. I got so excited reading your posts he is so cute and it looked like we had a lot in common when it came to parenting. So I thought I would say hello and let you know I will be checking in here and there to look at your amazing photographs....I hope that is ok. P.s I love the photo with him and the hose...so cute!!
welcome to the addiction of blogging bree. but it really can be so theraputic and inspiring. thank you for your kind words and check in whenever you like.
amanda- the imaginary play is just starting and it is really interesting to see what he comes up with. i just hope i can keep up. thank you. it's a pleasure to hear from you!
How cute Autumn.....he is such a sweetheart! I love the mind of a child, it's so interesting and the stuff they come up with, I wish I could be that creative! =)
Hello, I just started a blog also. I looked for people with photography interests and found your page. OH MY GOD....first of all you have a amazing looking son but i just want to say that you are a GREAT photographer!! I have alot of photographer friends and family members and it has always been something I loved to look at and study.
But mainly your photography really inspires me to journal my daughters life through pictures. I got so excited reading your posts he is so cute and it looked like we had a lot in common when it came to parenting. So I thought I would say hello and let you know I will be checking in here and there to look at your amazing photographs....I hope that is ok.
P.s I love the photo with him and the hose...so cute!!
Ahh.. nothing is better than the imagination of a kid with the simplest of toys (baskets.. boxes..). Beautiful.
welcome to the addiction of blogging bree. but it really can be so theraputic and inspiring. thank you for your kind words and check in whenever you like.
amanda- the imaginary play is just starting and it is really interesting to see what he comes up with. i just hope i can keep up. thank you. it's a pleasure to hear from you!
How cute Autumn.....he is such a sweetheart! I love the mind of a child, it's so interesting and the stuff they come up with, I wish I could be that creative! =)
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