Bowie says, "I AM a Biscuit Brother." Emphatically. He is the drummer. When we go see them (has this just been the 6th time?) he does not sing and dance as he does at home. He sits completely still and studies them. Until he gets a hair to run up the stairs to the balcony or stand suspiciously close to the bass drum propped at the edge fo the stage. This past Saturday we took cousin Honey with us to meet up with some friends at a theatrical Biscuit Brothers show. Honey doesn't know the BB liek we do, but she sure was ready to take the stage with Butermilk Biscuit. With her pigtails, linen shift, and cowboy boots she looked just the part. What a cutie she is! A friend's daughter had a bit of an afternoon meltdown after the show and was cheered only by Miss Buttermilk B literally wiping away her tears. So sweet.
This photo was taken at Central Market earlier this month. I promise to get Bowie decked out in his BB outfit. If you don't know about the Austin local kid's group, go check them out. They are a real band, with real intsruments, makin real music.